執(Toru)Being obsessed with
This letter has a meaning of “Being obsessed with.”
Originally, the left side of this letter is a handcuff, and the right side is a person who is sitting on his heels.
Therefore, the whole of this letter’s shape is a person who cannot stand up because of the handcuff.
In the ancient time, people whose hands are captured by handcuff was a slave, so the person of this letter is a slave. When he removes this handcuff, he can get freedom.
When this card appears, it means your situation is like this letter. You are obsessed with something, and you cannot move as you like. That’s why, you need to take off your handcuff to change your situation.
The handcuff is a symbol of your mind. It means you are obsessed with something, or you have some stereotypes. For example, becoming rich, or having a satisfying relationship. This kind of obsession becomes your handcuff.
Now we are having this card, it means you need to be free from your obsession. It would be the key to change your situation.